Movie review – my opinion
Battleship 2012 PG-13 2 hr 11 min Action, Adventure, SCI-FI

They made a movie from a board game. What….?
Battleship was a pencil and paper game dating back to World War 1. The game was initially called “Salvo” when Clifford Von Wickler created it in 1931 and was later renamed “Battleship” in 1967 by Milton Bradley when they started mass-producing the game.
Movie Review Of Battleship
I always loved the game “Battleship”. It was fun and you really didn’t have to think. You just enjoyed it. And that is what I recommend you do with this movie. There are reviews out there that this isn’t a realistic movie. No duh. This is an alien invasion movie. Not a ‘how to revive a battleship that was in mothballs’. There are so many little things that I loved about this movie; from the alien’s missiles looking like the pegs from the game to the casting of a real combat veteran who lost both his legs, Colonel Gregory Gadson.
In 2007, in Baghdad, Col. Gadson was returning from a memorial service when his vehicle was hit by an IED. He lost both legs above the knee. His character also lost his legs. There was no green screen like in Forrest Gump; this was an actual military veteran who didn’t need any motivation in that department.
It has Liam Neesom in it, but that’s more of a supporting role. He is the father of the main character’s love interest. Rihanna, a popular singer, is also cast as a naval sailor. I may not be a fan of her music, but I will say she did a good job with her part.
But the biggest thing, the one that everyone should be talking about, is what happens towards the end of the movie. The US naval forces under the alien dome need something they can stop the aliens with. The only ship left is, you guessed it, the USS Missouri. That in itself is enough to make me cheer. I’m from Missouri, the USS Missouri is where the Japanese signed the surrender treaty, and the Mighty Mo was still going strong even in the modern age, until they finally retired her to Hawaii. That is a pretty good testament to her design, armament and the men who served on her.
But wait! There’s more! Let's continue with my movie review of Battleship! When CPO Lynch is complaining that he knows nothing about how to start the Missouri’s engines, among other things, you see the old timers of the battleships. Men who served and were now being used as tour guides, and I guess, as maintenance aboard the USS Missouri as it was now a museum. These were real sailors who served. And they were called into action when the Old Salt asked Hopper, “What do you need son?”
“I need to borrow your boat.”
And then the action begins.
There is no way they could really get a battleship that had been rigged to serve as a museum, its systems shut down, etc in that short of time. Who cares?! With the melodic tunes of AC/DC’s ‘Thunderstruck’ overlayed over a compilation of the men getting the Missouri ready to face the aliens, with the old salts and the new navy pulling together, is enough to make you stand up and cheer!
As I said before, Rihanna did a credible job as part of the new US Navy. She makes her way to the Missouri’s fire control and two old salts are doing their stuff. They look at her and ask, ‘Been working on a destroyer, have ya?”
“Yes sir.”
“You ready to play with the big boys?”
“Oh yes sir.” She smiled like she had just been given the keys to a new car.
The old salts don’t even blink that she’s a woman. She’s navy. That’s all they need to know.
There are so many moments that are just gems. To say anymore would give some of the movie away. If you are a military historian or any kind of stickler for accuracy, don’t watch this movie.
If you want to watch a fun, alien invasion movie. Watch. This. Movie. If you want to watch the USS Missouri, come out of retirement, and kick some ass, then watch this movie.
If you want to watch a movie where they use former battleship personnel and a former active-duty Army colonel in a fun, action packed movie, watch this movie!
I rate this movie 5 boxes of popcorn.
GEN James Herring
Commanding, USS Missouri - NCC-2224
OIC 4th SFMC Brigade
Director, College of Military Movies
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